

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sienna is showing herself

In the last week, Seth has started to get a little sicker every day. He is suffering from vomiting, diahorrea, dizziness, weakness and high temps. Wednesday his vomiting was so severe that he threw up his nasal gastric tube. This was his greatest fear. He will have to have it re-inserted, but at the moment is too sick to tolerate it. The end that was in his stomach was coming out his mouth and the other end was still hanging out his nose. Once he had stopped vomiting and his panic settled down, he pulled the whole thing through his nose by himself.  He was so brave, I just don't think I could've done it. As you can imagine, he is living in fear of having it put back in due to the mistakes made the first time. Unfortunately, he will have to be awake for it this time and I just can't imagine how scary that scenario must be for him.
As he cannot tolerate anything in his stomach at the moment, he is unable to eat or drink and he is losing weight. He has lost 2kg's so far. They are going to try and prevent much more weight loss by putting him on TPN which is supplements that go straight into his blood via his central line.
Sienna is beginning to show her presence, as Seth's blood counts are showing a slight rise. He has 0.3 white cells and 0.1 neutrophils. They are unsure as to whether the symptoms Seth is showing is due to the fact that the transplant is now taking effect and it is part of GVHD (Graft V Host Disease) or whether it is due to something else. We are on the lookout for a rash which is another sign of GVHD and his palms and soles of feet are pink which is another indication the transplant is taking place.
Last night, Seth's temperatures went up into the high 39's and they aren't being controlled by iv panadol anymore. Fortunately, his blood pressure and heartrate are stable, so, at the moment the doctors are comfortable with the temperatures.
Seth is no longer well enough to participate in class lessons, or his favourite, guitar lessons. He is spending his time watching tv/movies or playing on his ipod. Physio's visit every day to try and get him up and moving to retain the strength in his legs. He makes their life difficult by bargaining the amount he will do for them. It's funny to watch the process - it's good because he still has his fighting spirit in him.


  1. Our real love to you all, especially Seth, I will draw him another picture and put it on Facebook. Thanks for the progress report, as tough as it is, we pray for your good health Seth, and relief for you Brett & Ali and all Seth's loving family. We wish you god's blessings & our support,
    David & Sue xxxx

  2. Been thinking of Seth every day and how he is doing. Thanks for the update. Poor little man - he is in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Love to you all Shell, Carly & Kaitlyn xoxoxo

  3. Glad to hear Seth still has his fighting spirit in him - he is such a tough little thing. A great example to us all about what is important in life. Lots and lots of love from Ingrid xxxxx

  4. Brave boy, brave mum.
    Keep up your fighting spirit.
    You have a multitude behind you cheering you on.

  5. I am always checking this blog for updates - you are all amazing, God be with you all
