

Thursday, August 30, 2012

First week down

Seth is doing really well so far. Things are running very smoothly, better in fact than what I or the doctors thought they would. Seth has had a couple low grade temps, was put on antibiotics which did the trick in a couple days. He has vomited a few times here and there. Last night was really the only drama that we've had and it turns out it was nothing serious just a reaction to a drug. Around 8pm last night Seth's heart rate dropped to 45 - 60 beats a minute which meant that the nurses had to call a rapid response team from ICU. He was sitting up. feeling totally normal, just a little tired. They monitored his heart all night, watched his blood pressure every 15 minutes, did an ECG and in the end couldn't find any reason for the drop. By about 6:30am his heart rate returned to normal. What they believe happened was that Seth was given a blood product called Intragram earlier in the day and he had a slight reaction to it (he has had this product about 4 times in the past with no reaction before).  The reaction was a blotchy rash covering his chest, stomach and back. His ears, hands and face became flushed as well. To prevent any further reaction they gave him an antihistamine and a steroid. It's this steroid that they believe caused the slowing heart rate. 
Seth has required platelet and blood transfusions as his counts are dropping quickly still. His hair is starting to come out today due to the radiation treatment. He had a bleeding nose yesterday probably from the mucositis and couldn't be stopped until they topped up his platelets. It was only a very slow bleed but just annoyingly dribbling for half the day.
Seth is on a low dose of morphine for pain related to mucositis. He has the ability to push a button for a top up but so far has only pushed it about 3 times in the week. His mouth sores are nearly non existent which is a huge surprise. This is one of the major problems kids have with transplant, caused by radiation and the huge chemo dose. His mucositis is very minor, considering how bad he has had it in the past from just chemo. Seth is just full of surprises - nice ones.
Seth is in good spirits for the most part. He had a good cry yesterday but picked himself up, dusted himself off and was smiling again in no time. He is so well in fact that he is participating in school lessons and music lessons. We are playing games galore and he is still up late at night without even a nap in the day. Very, very unusual for bmt patients who normally sleep the days away.
The doctors are really pleased with how well he is going. In their words "Every now and then, we get a kid that comes along and surprises us, Seth is one of those kids".
Hopefully he continues along this path for the remainder of his treatment.
Sienna is doing really well. She went back to school on Friday and was sorely missed by her friends so we were told. She had news yesterday and took in her bone marrow label and told the class all about her hospital experience. She told me the class had about 500 questions about the bone marrow, to her great delight. She has cashed in on her donation with a shopping trip and a movie funded and escorted by her father. I can just see that in about 8 years time she will be hitting Seth up for taxi services still using the fact that she gave him her bone marrow as to the reason he owes her! I can't wait to hear those fights. It will be music to my ears.


  1. Great to hear good news Ali. Looks hope it continues. Love Janelle,Scott, Kira and Callum x

  2. What exciting news Brett & Ali. Seth is the bravest little boy. We think of you all every day. Praying that his recovery continues to blow the Doctors away ... GO SETH. Love and hugs Shell, Carly & Kaitlyn xoxoxo

  3. So good to hear this news about Seth's progress! What a brave boy he is :) you are still all in our thoughts & prayers every day xxoo Glad to hear Sienna is going well too :) xo lots of love, Wendy & David xoxo

  4. That's great to hear, our children will be very happy to hear Seth and Sienna are doing well.

    I'm doing the Public Address at Gosnells tonight on the changes that the Truth can bring to your life, and hope you don't mind a specific reference to what you are all working through...the care and love we share within God's family through issues and trials can be really comforting, and we hope our prayers and brief sentences dropped on this blog provide some support to you all.

    Love from Luke, Julia, Eva & Liam Barger-Bos...
