

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Short but sweet time at home

I am writing this post feeling quite sad today. As you know Seth has been doing incredibly well and I really have nothing to complain about. He continued to do so well the doctors were going to send him home on Wednesday. Unfortunately when Wednesday came, Seth's kidneys were no longer coping with the amounts of drugs he is on. We had to flood him with fluid as they didnt want to put him back onto a drip. In a perfect world, they wanted him to have 2 litres in 12 hours. A feat that is impossible so soon out of transplant. He vomited a couple times and we ended up flushing gastrolyte through his ng tube to spare him the ordeal of constantly drinking. Needless to say, he didnt make 2 litres, but he managed to get through 1 litre. They stopped some of the drugs that effect the kidneys and his creatnin levels started dropping. On Friday we were allowed home on the condition we kept up with the water loading. We were given so many rules and regulations about what he can and cant do and eat. The main ones are no crowds, absolutely no takeaway, no visitors who are sick, he can only drink from a water bottle for two hours before it has to be thrown away, only long life juice not fresh and he is not to have it after it has been opened for 24 hours, preferably no leftovers, no deli meats or anything that comes from a deli, no cut fruit from supermarket, no bread from a bakery and it continues on and on. He has so much medicine to take, its crazy, half of our table is covered in medical supplies just to keep up with his requirements. We could open Masons Medical Centre with what we have.
We arrived home around 3pm and Seth was beside himself with happiness. He got his mojo back and all was right in our world. It was Sienna's birthday and we were so happy to be home to celebrate with her and give her some pressies we had been storing up. We had homemade pizza which was both what Seth and Sienna wanted for dinner and Seth ate most of one slice. There were even fireworks down in Picton that we had a perfect view of through our back window. Sienna claimed them for her birthday and seth claimed them for his homeoming. It was the perfect end to a very momentus day for us. We were one step closer to beating cancer and moving on with our lives.
I woke a few times through the night because his feed pump kept alarming. When I got up at 5:30 to fix it, Seth felt really warm. I didnt want to believe it, so I got the thermometer and sure enough 38.3. Seth didnt believe me so we tested with two thermometers about 8 times till it sunk in that he was going back to the hospital. Seth was inconsolable, he just sobbed and sobbed. It broke my heart to see him like that. We gave him some panadol and his sisters got up to say goodbye and that was that. Seth spent most of the day in emergency today, waiting for a bed. He finally went up around 3:30 this afternoon. His temp is on the rise again, we have no results from all the tests done this morning but hopefully it wont be anything serious and he will be home sometime this coming week. I will keep you posted on the outcome.

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