

Friday, May 4, 2012

SURPRISE !!! Another week at home!!!!

I took Seth to hospital very early Monday morning and for the first time ever, Seth was the first one to go under GA. It makes such a difference to the day. He had a lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspirate and methotrexate into his spinal fluid. We were home by midday - this was a real treat!
The plan was to go back Wednesday for admission. We got called in at around 11:30 so we packed up the car and headed back to hospital. We waited at clinic for Seth's blood results to come back. The doctor came and said we could go back home for another week. Seth's counts were dropping from the chemo on Monday and the oncologist doesn't think he will be well enough to get the doses of chemo that he is due to have over the next couple of weeks. He has got quite a busy couple of weeks coming up with about 4 different chemo's being used plus steroids again.
We are now due back to hospital on Thursday for admission. His counts are expected to be high enough by then and I have no idea how long it will be until we are able to leave again.
The Bone Marrow Team are now starting to really move things along and we have another appointment coming up to discuss things further. My stomach churns at the thought - but it is a necessary evil.
Seth is now getting all his appointments sorted - he has had his eye test. His audiology appointment is coming up and radiology is not far away either. It feels like we are on the downhill run now. We will be beginning week 11 on Thursday (in a 15 week program). It draws nearer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brett and Ali,

    It's been a long time since the Study Weeks of the 90's, but someone mentioned the battle you and Seth were having at the MM yesterday and when the names involved were mentioned my heart skipped a beat... Please be assurred of the prayers and best wishes of my family (Julia nee Hunter [Gosnells, WA], Eva [8.5] and Liam [7]) - we might be on the other side of the country here in Perth, but we're with you all.

    In our hope,

    Luke Barger-Bos (& co)
