
Monday, May 21, 2012
No can see
Our poor little man is having a troublesome week. You can't go through two weeks of high dose chemo and expect to come out unscathed, however he has had a severe reaction to one of the drugs. His eyes are ulcerated and inflamed. He cannot open his eyes at the moment it is too painful. The doctors haven't seen such an extreme reaction before and that's a good thing. Seth is just laying in his bed with his eyes shut tight. He can't stand any form of light so he covers his face throughout the day. He uses ice packs to ease some pain and they are using a combination of drops to try and relieve his pain and lubricate his eyes. The drops cause him a fair bit of discomfort as they sting when they go in. He has been like this since Friday afternoon. The only thing I can do to help is read to him. I have also managed to download audiobooks from iTunes for him which he seems to enjoy.
Other than the above, he is not eating or drinking much and they are talking about possibly putting the nasal gastric tube in before his mucositis gets too bad. He will have to have the tube in for transplant anyway so they may end up putting it in early to ensure he is strong going in.
Seth has the runs which they put down to chemo and mucositis, but it means that he has lots coming out and not so much going in. They have increased his drip to counteract this to prevent dehydration.
Seth has also had a bad reaction to another drug they have given and he has come out in a rash over his hands that looks like burns and he says feels like carpet burns. This is being treated with a burns cream and is slowly healing.
He has no neutrophils at the moment so is suseptible to getting fevers and such. He is also needing transfusions of platelets and red blood cells a fair bit as his counts continue to fall and not recover. This round has really knocked him around.
In true Seth fashion, he always finds something new he wants to try even when everything around him is going wrong.
He had a French room mate and so decided he now wants to learn French. The roommate spoke very little English so I downloaded an app where Seth can speak English and it translates into French or any of about 30 other languages you may want to learn. He thinks it's great and when he can't open his eyes this is a good little activity for him to occupy himself.
He is very tired now and is sleeping a fair bit, which isn't a bad thing if you can't open your eyes anyway. I will keep you posted.
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Thanks Brett & Ali, thinking of Seth and his battle, it's a big one for such a little man, and difficult for you too, God bless you all.
Our heartfelt love and prayers to dearest Seth and your beautiful family, Brett and Ally. Asking God to bless you all with strength and courage and to know and feel His arms of love carrying you all on this journey, thru so many who love, care and feel your pain. Words cannot express how much we care and feel your heart ache as parents <3 May God increase our faith to know and believe he will heal Seth, an amazing brave son and friend, All our love and arms outstretched with warm hugs, stev, Fiona and boys <3<3<3 Our God is holy righteous just and true and he hears our crys <3
ReplyDeleteOh my heart goes out to you all and of course Seth. The poor thing - it must be just heart breaking to see him endure so much. Hope his eyes get better soon - frustrating for him :'( Lots of love and BIG HUGS to you all. Love Shell, Carly and Kaitlyn xoxoxoxo
ReplyDeleteHi Brett and Ali, My heart goes out to Seth and your whole family while he goes through this ordeal. He must be SO strong. What amazing strength he is showing! God must truly be there working with him. Please tell Seth that his class mates are going to record somethings for him to listen to. We hope to get it to him maybe this weekend. All my love, thoughts and prayers to Seth and the whole family. Leanne Sathiah (Debbie's friend from school)
ReplyDeleteHi Alison,Brett, Seth and girls. Just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers and thoughts as you go through this most horrible time and only wish it could be taken away from you all. I hope next week is a much better week for you all. Lots of love Gail xx