

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Full on week

Seth has had a very full-on week at hospital. He had chemo every day for 5 days. He got through it very well so far, but I imagine he will be feeling the results this week coming. He is up for another week of chemo starting this Wednesday.
He is having a new chemo needle in the bottom and this one really rattles him. It is extremely painful and it takes a long time to inject. It just seems to go on and on - as usual though, he just lays there and takes it with a couple "ouches" while it goes in. He usually has tears in his eyes afterwards. He has another 3 of them coming up this week. I wish I could have them for him.
The bone marrow team is really ramping up. We have spoken to the radiation team and they have explained what the short term and long term effects are going to be. Seth is forever going to have to be careful with his health for the rest of his life. He will have trips to hospital forever to check for the long term side effects, I won't go into all of them but he will certainly feel the effects of radiation for the rest of his life. He will be getting 6 doses of radiation to his entire body. Two a day for 3 days. The radiation is essential in his treatment as it can get to what the doctors call safe zones in the body where the chemo cannot get to. This gives the leukaemia nowhere to hide. This makes him very nauseas and mirrors the effects of chemo. He will be exhausted by the final dose and probably sleep alot. It will destroy his bone marrow to make room for Siennas marrow. This is booked in for 12th - 14th June. Then they will wait until the following monday and the transplant will take place. If his bone marrow results aren't good enough, it will be put off for another 2 weeks for further chemotherapy to take place.
We met again with the bone marrow team to discuss things further. All things rest on week 13's bone marrow results (you wouldn't want to be superstitious at all!!). Seth is getting test after test to make sure he is healthy enough to continue to transplant. They take markers on how his organs are functioning so they can tell when or if they become damaged or compromised throughout treatment. We seem to have most days filled with either tests or chemo. It is coming quickly now.
We do have some good news, and that is that the Leukaemia Foundation has kindly donated the use of a flat across the road from the hospital. This is so handy as Brett and the girls can visit on weekends and Seth and I can go back and forth to all the appointments without having to drive the distance each time. The benefits are just too great to mention. This is a true blessing and will make life so much easier for all of us. We have it till the end of June, however they are trying to find us somewhere else to stay after that.
Thank you again to every one who has sent cards, letters and gifts from all across the world. It is overwhelming and such a great comfort. Seth is wearing his symbol of strength around his neck. It certainly makes Seth feel happy to receive these letters and cards and gives Brett and I a sense of support and strength knowing so many care.
I will update again as soon as I can. Much love to you all.xx


  1. Thanks for the update Ali. Seth is the bravest little man ... a credit to you and Brett. I'm so glad you got a unit across the street from the hospital, I know that would make a huge difference. I hope they find somewhere close by after June. We think of you all everyday. Love Shell, Carly & Kaitlyn xoxoxo

  2. lots of hugs and love to you all
