

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 3 and still going strong - our miracle boy!

Seth went to Westmead again on Monday and fortunately only had to have a blood count done and his dressing over his central line changed. Sienna has been very sick all week with a respiratory tract infection with high temperatures of 39.5 staying with her for the entire time. We were holding our breath just hoping Seth didn't catch it. The doctor warned it was contagious and the nurses believed it was inevitable that he would get it. However, our little guy has sailed through yet another trial and he has not contracted the rti. What a miracle!!! I can only put it down to the many prayers that are being made the world over.
We had our hearts deeply touched this week, with many cards being delivered from the UK and Canada. The most touching and humbling card we received was from an elderly couple from Canada (aged 89 and 84) who went to the trouble of exchanging their money into Australian dollars and hiding it between the card they sent. We were blown away that the news has spread so far and wide and that so many people are keeping track via this blog. So thank you to all who have kept up their prayers and sent their thoughts to us via cards and emails. Those prayers have definitely been put to good use this last week and has given us a little miracle.
Seth had the nurse visit today, we are off to Campbelltown Hospital the next two days and he will more than likely need a platelet transfusion as his platelet count is coming down extremely quickly. Still no news on the tissue typing and the marker. Hopefully next week. Seth is still feeling nauseas on this lot of chemo, which thankfully can be controlled quite well with more medication. He is in high spirits, but hasn't returned to school yet. Hopefully when this intense treatment is over he will return to school for a little while at least.

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