

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Platelet transfusion

Same old treatment this week. Chemo, Monday - Thursday. This treatment seems to be a little harsher on Seth than the previous chemo drugs. He is more tired, has lost his energy this week, threw up his dinner last night and feels nauseas most of the time. His blood count took a dramatic dive this week and he required a platelet transfusion. This is a pale apricot coloured liquid that is administered via gravity. It only took about 20minutes - which is quite a difference to getting the haemoglobin transfusion which takes around 3 hours. We were lucky enough to be able to get this done at Campbelltown Hospital on Friday morning.
We are looking at the same kind of week next week, however on the Monday Seth will be getting another lumbar puncture.
Taylah is now getting temperatures. She has a urinary tract infection and conjunctivitis. I am hoping that she doesn't get the respiratory tract infection like Sienna had - we can only hope again that Seth will give us another little miracle and not contract Taylah's illnesses.

1 comment:

  1. What a week, with you not being well also - let's hope next week is a little kinder to you all! Lots of love, mum and dad m
