We are now in week four of our four days of chemo for four weeks. Yeah!!! Unfortunately we don't get a home visit tomorrow, but at least we only have to go to Campbelltown for the treatment.
Seth is really flat now, it has really started to knock him down a couple of notches. He still has moments of energy but they are less and less and don't last too long. Still, he is getting out in the sunshine and riding his bike every now and then which is nice to see.
Taylah still has high temperatures, so we are still hoping and praying that he has another little miracle to pull out of his hat. He is suffering a bit with feeling nauseas even on the anti-nausea drugs, but at least he is keeping down the little amounts of food he is eating. His appetite is in complete contradiction to what it was when he was on steroids. He has now lost 3kg's and is almost looking like the boy we started out with. His hair is growing back already, although it is soft and thin.
Today we arrived at hospital at 8:30am for a lumbar puncture and chemo. We left around 3pm for home, so another long day! Everything went well and we have found out that Sienna is a perfect bone marrow match for Seth which is wonderful news. We aren't telling her because she will only stress out that she has to have more needles etc. Hopefully we won't need it, but it is nice to know we have such a close match in case we do.
Seth's red blood cell is very low and his platelets are falling quickly again. Our plan is to have a transfusion of both at Campbelltown on thursday. Well, another big week to get through, and we are thankful for small mercies right now. We are still receiving cards from around the world with messages to uplift and they are much appreciated and at times, much needed. So thank you to those of you who send cards and gifts from around the world (and of course across Australia).
I will update again after Seth's transfusion on thursday, unless something happens before then.
Good luck this week and thinking of everyone as always. Excellent to hear Sienna is a match. Love Deb xxxxxxxxxx