Today we had the shaveathon that Sethy had been so looking forward to and as you can see from the photos we had quite a bit of fun with it. We put everyone's names into a hat, came up with some different hairdo's and Seth got to pick a name and a hairdo for each victim. We had cuts like friar tuck, Mr T, mohawk, mullet to name a few up for grabs. We will upload the rest of the photos to facebook soon for those that are interested. We have had a lot of support from a lot of people, some people who have never even met us. We are very thankful for their support and also for Jay who came up with the idea and turned it into a fundraiser. We would like to thank everyone who shaved their heads and turned something that can be quite a daunting part of cancer into something that was happy and fun. There was an awful lot of laughter at our house today. It was lovely to meet up with Chris. E and his wife Tina and their gorgeous daughters after not seeing Chris for many years. They have rustled up support from Tina's family in New Zealand and Tina's dad was even shaving his head today. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people willing to help any way that they can.
It hit me today that he really does have cancer, now that his head is shaved, he resembles the kids with cancer now. I suppose I can no longer deny it now he looks the part. It was much harder to believe when he looked normal and just seemed a bit tired.
Well, we have had a busy few days, with hospital on Friday, Annie's 60th on Saturday, Head Shave today and we are at the hospital from 7:30am tomorrow for bone marrow, lumbar puncture and chemo. It is day 33 of treatment and Seth is expected to be in remission at this stage. So, we will be holding our breath and hoping that all his test results come back as the doctors expect so we can continue with the planned treatment. The doctors have stressed that to them day 33 is a very important day for them in being able to predict Seths prognosis, so we want good news.
A couple people have mentioned that they have had trouble adding comments. That problem has now been rectified, so please feel free to add your comments.

magnificent effort and update. Crossing fingers for good news. Good luck this week with all the tests!! Deb xxxx
ReplyDeleteHope you get some good news from today's tests, love Phil & Sharon Ceiley