We went back to the hospital today for more chemotherapy both needle and through his central line. Thankfully today was the last day Seth has to go through the pain of the needle. We are back in the hospital bright and early (7:30am) on Monday for another bone marrow aspiration, lumbar puncture and chemo into the spinal fluid. They will also give him his final needle whilst he is under the anaesthetic so he doesn't have to go through the pain one more time. We are grateful for small mercies. He is weaning off his steroids and will be off them completely in a little over a week. Then his chubby tummy and cheeks will begin to deflate, his appetite is expected to go down to next to nothing and I will be begging him to eat. He will also be starting some new chemotherapy drugs after the Monday, so hopefully he handles them just as well as the 4 he has been on already.
Seth got a really exciting package yesterday from the St George Dragons after Annie (Cheryl) wrote away to the football team explaining his sickness. He was surprised with a beanie, a t-shirt, stationery set and a card. He can't believe how many people care about him and want to help. We have a photo uploaded of him wearing his t-shirt and beanie.
Seth drew a thank you note for the ladies at Annie's work who put together a raffle to raise money for him. So we have uploaded a photo of that as a thankyou for everyone who has supported him and us.
We took Seth to see Karate Kid at the movies yesterday as a special treat because his sisters were away at a birthday party. He loved it. It was a great movie for both adults and kids. It was nice to do something fun for him and take his mind off his sickness for a while. It is good for the soul to do something normal. I no longer take normal life for granted. Life can change so quickly and then all you crave is "normal" again.
You will also see some photos of the clown doctors who came into Seths room a couple times during his hospital stay. They are a whole lot of fun for both parent and child. We brightened Seths room up with a whole lot of balloons, thanks to Shane and Dan (Seths uncle and aunty). It was a real highlite for Seth to muck around twisting all sorts of weird and wonderful shapes.

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