Seth is now officially famous (so says he). His school is having a fund raising day for a charity called "Cure our Kids". The principal asked what charity I would like the money to go to and this was top of the list. They work endlessly for the families of kids suffering from cancer and you actually get to see and benefit from their good work all over the hospital. Anyway...We took Seth to school for a quick photo shoot with the principal and teacher involved in organising the day. I was asked to go so I could speak with the journalist. However, much to my extreme embarrassment they insisted on getting a photo of me with Seth and Taylah. I woke up this morning with my face plastered all over the front page of the paper. Seth thinks it's great which is what matters most, but I was hoping my 15 minutes of fame wouldn't come when I was recovering from major surgery (and looked like it too!!).
We have scanned and attached the article below fyi. Seth has proudly cut it out and has it in a plastic slip. He nor his sister seems to suffer from the same sense of camera shyness as I do.
Seth went to Westmead yesterday (Wednesday) for a bone marrow aspiration. All went well, and it was fortunate that they didn't keep him waiting all day. It was another early start for him. He had to be at hospital by 7:30am. We are still having trouble with his dressings. Not sure what they can do about finding him something to ease his skin. Even the tape we have been using to stick down the gauze has been causing a great deal of itchiness and inflamation for him. They have now started the oral chemotherapy which is a tablet that he has every day. Then he goes into hospital not this coming Sunday, but the one after to get his chemo. The stay should be between 3-5 days in length if all goes well. Seth is in high spirits and is full of energy at the moment which is nice to see. Hopefully he takes to this next lot of chemo well.

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