I also found out on this trip that a couple who spent time with me when Seth was first diagnosed lost their only child a couple months ago. I ran into them from time to time when visiting the clinic and they kept me updated on his progress. I hadn't seen them for a while and I was hoping to find out that he fought his way out of ICU, but unfortunately, he didn't make it. He was 12 years old and his parents spent their entire year in hospital with him only to go home without him. He had ALL and AML
I was also speaking to a mum who has been in hospital with her son since June. She hasn't left his side, hasn't returned home not once. He also has ALL high risk.
All I can say is that no matter how bad you think youv'e got it, there are people - good people - out there doing it tougher. Seth has just flown through his treatment with little side effects. His energy and exuberance is phenomenal. This round of chemo hit him a little harder and he spent the entire time in his bed quite lethargic. He threw up once and needed to be on the anti nausea medicine the whole time or he got very queasy. He was off all food and drink. He had a painful tummy which the doctor thinks might be mucositis (ulcers) through his gut.
Today, he is running around, driving me crazy with the amount of energy he has - he has been jumping on our couch, causing fights with his sister and getting up to all kinds of mischieve. I can barely keep him still today. I hope he is able to keep sailing through his treatments as the most difficult one is still to come. It is pizza night tonight - his treat for getting through his chemo - he always craves pizza and we get it for him the night or the night after he gets back from hospital. I will explain the next round of chemo when I update next.
Thanks for those prayers everyone and Uncle Joe from Saskatchewan - thankyou for all your postcards they are really enjoyed by us all.
I have posted a couple of photos of the Methotrexate and linked the newspaper articles about the head shave which is now getting close to $13,000 for Cure our Kids.