We have been in hospital since Monday for Seth to get the medicine that should protect his bones from crumbling when and if necrosis hits him. We were expecting some flu like symptoms from the infusion but we were happily surprised that he came through with absolutely no reaction. He is feeling completely normal and we should be able to go home tomorrow (Thursday) if his blood work comes back normal. We have another bone marrow test coming up soon and there is no reason to suspect they will find cancer.
Seth is still struggling with GVHD unfortunately. He is still hobbling around like a little old man at times with his painful joints.
We have progressed to mostly every fortnight check ups rather than weekly. This is a lovely occurrence and it feels as though life is beginning to regain some of its normality. Seth still cannot attend school so we are enrolling him in long distance education until we get the go ahead from the doctors. He still needs to be kept isolated as his immune system continues to be lowered while we wait for Sienna's feisty bone marrow to settle in.
We have moved house from a 500 sqm block to a 7 acre lot and even though walking is difficult for Seth, he is now able to get out and about on a little buggy we bought for the kids. He is one very happy little lad with all that room to play and ride. It is nice to watch him just be a kid.
Life has been busy and stressful with the move and the constant worry over necrosis. Now the medicine has been infused and that concern been lifted, hopefully we can find a new rhythm and settle a little further into life as it should be and begin putting cancer behind us a little further.
The last hurdle to overcome is GVHD and hopefully that will be dealt with shortly.