

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bit of a drama

Sorry for the late update. Seth appears to be doing well. He is cutting down on his steroids and his eating is subsequently slowing down and he is beginning to lose his weight. The CMV is completely gone and they have taken him off the meds they used to treat it. Today he is very tired and is shivering a bit, but there is no temperature. I hope it remains that way.
Seth's feet are painful to walk on and we are off to the hospital tomorrow for a bone scan and his usual weekly check up. The doctors have said that the medicines he is on can cause pain in the feet and I'm positive that this is all that is going on. Apart from that, the doctors are keeping a close eye on everything and he is managing extremely well at this stage.
Brett, on the other hand had a fall last Monday night and has broken his heel bone in 6 places. He spent 3 days in Liverpool Hospital before being discharged with a boot on his heel. The doctors there decided to let his foot heal itself. Yesterday he had another xray and it seems the break is separating further and after getting a second opinion, the new doctor says it needs surgery. He is scheduled to have surgery this coming Monday to repair the break. At this stage we are unsure what is involved in the operation or what the outcome will be. He is seeing the operating doctor tomorrow to find out some more information.
It will be nice when we no longer have to frequent the halls of hospitals. I am so sick of hospitals now. I just hope Seth remains well over the christmas break and Brett is in less pain so we can enjoy the holidays together.