

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back to hospital

Seth returned to hospital with fevers again after he was out for about a week. It was again a Sunday night when he came down with another temperature. Off to hospital we went and onto antibiotics again. By Wednesday evening, the temperatures had gone for 48 hours and we were sent home. They couldn't find a reason why he was unwell. By Thursday night, though, we noticed that Sienna was feverish and so we checked Seth just in case and lo and behold he had another temperature. So, 24 hours after being released, we were back. This time they did extensive tests and were still not finding anything. The blood tests were showing a big drop in his platelets and along with some other symptoms, they had some concerns about Seth relapsing. As you can imagine, we were quite upset at that prospect and were holding out hope that they found another cause. They soon found out that Seth had two viruses. The first being influenza B and the second being CMV which is in the same strain as chicken pox. They had to do 2 more tests to check whether this is dormant or whether it is active, and if so how active. We have one test back and are waiting on the final test to tell us what the next step will be. At the moment Seth is receiving an antiviral medication which is as potent as chemo and is administered like chemo and drops his counts as does chemo. He has this twice a day through his canula. Unfortunately it harms the veins that the canula is in so it only works a couple of times and then they have to give him another canula to continue with the treatment. They are also taking lots of blood tests. Seth is not happy with being treated like a pin cushion and it is getting increasingly difficult for him to cooperate. Unfortunately, he is being held down now to get these things done which is not easy for me to watch by helplessly and not easy for him to endure. We have now been in hospital for 2 weeks - minus the one day home. I have come home just for the day to spend time with the girls and have a break. I will be back in tonight to relieve Brett. Hopefully we get this test soon. Depending on what it shows, will depend whether Seth continues this antiviral treatment and for how long. If it is long term then we will be able to bring him home but he will need a pick line in his elbow which is similar to a central line. This is so that we can hook him up to an infuser bottle with the drug in it and give it to him at home. In the meantime, we are just waiting for some news to see where we go from here. I will keep you updated when I return home again.